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Weekly EMDR Sessions

This treatment option is available to clients who have the flexibility in their schedule to commit to weekly appointments. Weekly, 55 minutes, EMDR therapy is covered by many health insurance plans, which may reduce your out-of-pocket expenses. This treatment option allows for ongoing support for clients who want a slower pace working through their trauma.  


What is the actual EMDR session like?

During EMDR I work with the client to identify a specific problem as the focus of the treatment session. The client calls to mind the disturbing issue or event, what was seen, felt, heard, thought, etc., and what thoughts and beliefs are currently held about that event.


I facilitate the directional movement of the eyes or other dual attention stimulation of the brain, while the client just notices whatever comes to mind without making any effort to control the direction or content.

Each person will process information uniquely, based on personal experiences and values. Sets of eye movements are continued until the memory becomes less disturbing and is associated with positive thoughts and beliefs about one’s self; for example, “I did the best I could.” During EMDR the client may experience intense emotions, but by the end of the session, most people report a great reduction of the level of disturbance.


But does EMDR really work?


YES! Approximately 20 controlled studies have investigated the effects of EMDR. These studies have consistently found that EMDR effectively decreases/eliminates the symptoms of post traumatic stress for the majority of clients. Clients often report improvement in other associated symptoms such as anxiety.


The current treatment guidelines of the American Psychiatric Association and the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies designate EMDR as an effective treatment for post traumatic stress. EMDR was also found effective by the U.S. Department of Defense, the United Kingdom Department of Health and the Israeli National Council for Mental Health, and many other international health and governmental agencies.


Research has also shown that EMDR can be an efficient and rapid treatment. For further references, a bibliography of research may be found through EMDR International Association’s website:

We are here to help you to solve your serious problems

© 2022 by Derek Wise, MA LCPC

5510 S Fort Apache Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89148

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